Reg. code:10543517
Address:Mäealuse 2/4, Tallinn 12618 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 659 9470
Fax:fax+372 659 9479
Reg. code:10276571
Address:Turba tee 12, Ramsi alevik, Viljandi vald 71101 VILJANDIMAA
Phone:+372 433 3302
Fax:fax+372 433 3226
Peat and peat productsPeat in bulkPeat machinery Metal worksWaste containers,Loading platforms, ramps Mobile loading platforms Forestry cranes and trailers
Reg. code:10080313
Address:Kirde põik 6, Elva 61506 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 735 6386
Peat production, sales, and packaging Peat, milled peat Packaged peat Baled peat Slightly decomposed peat packed in a 6000L plastic bag (Big Bale) Equipment used for milled peat production Peat production machinery, manufacturing of peat production machinery Metalwork Metal structures Mob. +372 5306 2415
Reg. code:10537675
Address:Kulli 43, Kulli, Raasiku vald 75205 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 509 6609
* ворота, калитки, ограждения * беседки, навесы, шпалеры, перголы и т.д. * лестницы и площадки * металлические балки, усилители и опоры * банные печи и дымоходы * мангалы, коптилки * уличныe плитки и дoрoшки * наружнaя и внутрeннaя oтдeлкa * парники * ландшафтные работы с учетом Фен-шуй * художественная резка и декоративные изделия
Reg. code:10713921
Address:Väike-Sõjamäe 3A, Tallinn 11415 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 697 1033
Fences, railings, Gardens, Gates, Metal barriers, Metal constructions, Metal staircases, Metalworks, Railing making, Staircase manufacturing, Staircase rails, Stairs
Reg. code:10336540
Address:Pargi 1C, Viljandi 71020 VILJANDIMAA
Phone:+372 434 9176
Dan - Est Timber AS is an Estonian company owned by the Danish company Pindstrup Mosebrug A/S. Dan - Est Timber was established in 1992 as a sawmill and later, by the years, further developed into a modern order-producing company. Later the furniture component production was closed and the existing machine building department was developed. Machine building and the metalworks is the manin activity of the company today.
Reg. code:12026281
Address:Pikk 12, Väätsa alevik, Türi vald 72801 JÄRVAMAA
Phone:+372 5344 3556
Reg. code:10464628
Address:Metsa 1, Märjamaa alev, Märjamaa vald 78304 RAPLAMAA
Phone:+372 5649 6100
Manufacturing of various metal products. Laser cutting Products of sheet metal, furniture profiles and parts. Powder coating. Reliable company has long time export experience. Mechanical engineering Metalworking Metal industry Metal hardware GSM+372 56 496100
Address:Riia mnt. 92, Pärnu 80042 PÄRNUMAA
Phone:+372 445 9788
Seadmete tehniline kontroll Surveseadmete, masinate (kraanad, tõstukid jms), liftide ja köisteede, gaasipaigaldiste ning elektripaigaldiste tehniline kontroll. Pädevuseksam, personali sertifitseerimine Surveseadmetöid, gaasitöid, tõsteseadmetöid või masinatöid juhtivad isikud; surveseadme, lifti, köistee, gaasipaigaldise või masina kasutamise järelevaatajad; elektriala personal, tehnilist kontrolli teostavad isikud.
Address:Õpetaja 9a, Tartu 51003 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 742 7113
Reg. code:10701933
Address:Rannamõisa tee 4, Tallinn 13516 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 501 2044
Linsarel LLC – everything practical and fine, that is possible to fashion out of metal
Address:Jaama 14, Jõhvi 41533 IDA-VIRUMAA
Phone:+372 332 2111
Reg. code:11470111
Address: Mõisa tee 17a, Ääsmäe, Saue vald 76402 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 552 2240
Reg. code:10440970
Address: Kaave tee 24, Siimusti, Jõgeva vald 48444 JÕGEVAMAA
Phone:+372 529 2785
Reg. code:10260268
Address:Kastani 1, Rapla 79514 RAPLAMAA
Phone:+372 485 5007
Reg. code:10049929
Address:Tööstuse tee 7, Aravete, Järva vald 73501 JÄRVAMAA
Phone:+372 511 1204
Reg. code:10433651
Address:Rebase 16, Prillimäe 79702 RAPLAMAA
Phone:+372 526 7524
Metal works, robotic welding, plasma cutting Production of gearwheels CNC benches, milling works, shot peening Welding, powder painting Metal constructions Industrial fittings and auxiliary structuresComponents and structures for mechanical engineeringAgricultural structures and fittings for agricultural facilities Subcontract work Machine-building NORCAR miniloaders AGROMATIK miniloaders Manufacture of miniloades Manufacturing hydraulic cylindersMachinery Metalworks Metal structures Robot weldingCNC Milling, shot peeningMetal painting, turning.Siim Illopmägi GSM: +372 53022721Jaak Ojandu GSM+372 5267524
Reg. code:10295143
Address:Kuldnoka 9, Sindi 86705 PÄRNUMAA
Phone:+372 5819 3433
Reg. code:10393880
Address:Aiandi tee 21, Viimsi, Viimsi vald 74001 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 600 8981
Fax:fax+372 600 8982
The main activity of Scanweld is a realization of industrial-service projects, special construction and welding. Project Engineering & Management Procurement Fabrication & Installation Welding Inspection, Commissioning & Handover Sphere of activities Piping & Equipment Installation Tanks & Pressure Vessels Boilers Erection & Repair Steel Structures Conveying Systems & ESP Filters Factory Works Plasma Cutting
Reg. code:12855563
Address:Tule 25, Saue 76505 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 670 9616
* metal finishing - powder painting, powder galvanising and powder varnishing. * manufacture of metal furniture - school furniture, cloakroom and shop fittings, metal building structures. * metal sales